Sunday 20 September 2015

Sow in Peace

Just prior to this verse the followers of Jesus were arguing about who among them was the greatest and in 2015 we are still arguing about the same thing!

Little has changed from the time of Jesus.

Why do we want to be the greatest?

Those who are the greatest hold power and make the rules.

Those who are the greatest get to write the history books and define who was right and who was wrong.

Those who are the greatest get to decide who are entitled to help and who is not.

Those who are the greatest have wealth and can do what they want.

Yet we are called not to be among those who struggle for power.  We are not to sit in the council chambers of the rulers

We are called to be the least, to be servants and to welcome, weakest and the smallest among us.  Those who hold no power at all: children.  In doing this we welcome God the most powerful, the Lord of all into our midst.

Seek peace through the example of children who give without expecting anything in return.  Children who are by nature live in the moment, willing to forgive and finding joy in all things.

Welcome children into your life, be with them, listen to them play and watch them to understand the lesson the Lord has for you.  And together let's learn to sow peace as children of God.

Grandma Snyder

©2013 - 2015 twosnydergirls

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