Monday 5 August 2019

Sister Time

A cool Saskatchewan evening ensured a wonderful night’s sleep and after simple breakfast we went for a beautiful morning walk.

 As we walked the breeze carried the scent of canola and ensured a comfortable walking temperature.

All around us butterflies of orange, yellow, white and black flitted from wildflowers, flowering weed and purple clover growing along the ditches.

The clover gives off an intoxicating sweet scent and brings back memories from my childhood and walking to school.

The sounds all around us were those of running shoes crunching on gravel, birdsong and the rustle of the wind through the bulrushes and willows that grow in wet areas.

Saskatchewan is experiencing a drought and many of sloughs normally featuring bright coloured ducks are this year dried up surrounded by dead brush. 

Our typical sojourns west happens in June and early July then the ditches resemble a Monet painting with ditches coloured by wildflowers and blooming weeds.

While in August the ditches have been cut, bailed and are green with just a smattering of colour from resilient wildflowers.

After a lunch of bacon and eggs featuring Saskatoon Berry Jam and homemade Flapper Pie. 

Carla and I went for drive into the Fort where we pasted fields of wheat and canola.

With shopping done and a quick nap Carla had us eating again this time an amazing Italian Supper.  

Homemade; Eggplant Parmesan, Ham Pineapple Pizza and Mushroom meat sauce spaghetti. 

If we keep eating this well, I will need a new wardrobe.

The highlight of the day was not the beautiful vistas or the food it was spending time with my sister talking, laughing and just being present with each other.

Thank you for coming along today
Grandma Snyder

©2013-2019 twosnydergirls


our awesome travels said...

Always fun times spent with family catching up and enjoying good food.

Grandma Snyder said...

Nothing better