Saturday 20 July 2019

Family birthday on a very hot day.


Windows are closed and drapes drawn at 7:00 am against what is already stifling heat.  Last night we caved in  and increased our carbon footprint by bringing up the portable floor AC unit.  We set it at 70 F. and slept well. 

Before the day really started to heat up I when outside and harvested some of our lavender, the plants are doing surprising well this year.   


Then enjoying the AC I wrapped the lavender into small bundles to use in the house and Rpod.  

The activity of making lavender swags was both peaceful and grounding.  This is  something I have always wanted to do and I have no idea why I have never taken the time to do this before.
Lavender swags

Yoga was an adventure unto itself today when yoga mats and feet became slippery downward dogs became planks or worse face plants. 

We have started to use therapy balls to release fascia and muscles tight too long.   I hope we do more of this as I get great relief from the use of the therapy balls.

flowers outside restaurant

This afternoon we celebrated an 80th birthday with family at the Pebbles Family Restaurant in Varney Ontario.  The restaurant has been renovated since the last time we were there and the renovations have resulted in better and increased seating,  room to visit and a buffet area that is out of the way of the main flow of traffic.

Always great food the variety of meats is worth the price.

In the late afternoon I finished a knitting project and prepared a package of Happy Mail to go out to our son and daughter-in-love in BC.

I had hoped to do more however even with AC any amount of physical exertion results in sweating, over heating and for me a sense of general exhaustion.  This also included computer work where the heat from the laptop was just too much.

The  sun disappeared behind storm clouds the temperature dropped just enough that I could begin to write this blog post and with that the heavens have opened and the sever thunderstorm predicted descended upon us.

storm clouds

Paul is moving the AC from the living room back to the bedroom as temperatures will remain high tonight, no relief from the storm.

Thank you for coming along today.
Grandma Snyder
©2013-2019 twosnydergirls

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