Friday 21 June 2019

The first day of summer

Water on the lake

Today the first day of summer arrived accompanied by sunshine, warm temperatures, and a gentle breeze.  

The height of a tree

If you were mindful on the breeze you could hear birdsong, the movement of water, the fragrance of spring flowers, fresh cut grass, dogs barking, children's laughter and so much more.  


The breeze carried the sound of peace and joy today. 

It was a perfect summer day.

Our day started with gentle yoga and we follow this with a light breakfast outside on our lawn where we watched the world drive and walk past us.

Looking out the yoga barn window

Paul mowed the lawn and together we cut down some very annoying apple branches that keep knocking his hat off and trying to scratch his scalp.  


I pulled a little bit of twitch grass in our back gardens and then moved into the house to prepare for supper with friends.


Our late afternoon and early evening was spent breaking bread with old friends,  catching up on their lives and sharing ours with them.  
A Robin's nest being built and still empty

We laughed together and solved the problems of the world as can be done around the family table.

The dishes are now done and put away and we will start to get ready for bed.

Thank you for stopping by and we hope you enjoy the images from today.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2019 twosnydergirls


our awesome travels said...

Sounds like a wonderful firsl day of summer and breaking bread with old friends.

Grandma Snyder said...

Your day also was relaxing