Friday 12 April 2019

A day just a little off kilter

Slept in this morning and missed the sunrise, and with that my day was just a little off kilter as a result.

I am learning that in retirement sleeping in does not provide me joy rather it leave me feeling just a little out of control, like I am chasing the day instead of meeting each moment with expectation.

Once I was up I quickly moved to surround myself things that bring me joy, morning vitamins from a cherished keepsake that brings back wonderful memories of our children, my morning smoothie in a beloved mug gifted to us by grandchildren. 

With all of this in place we sat quietly and listened to Pray-as-go a podcast we find uplifting.

Dishes done we went for a walk and found a new piece of art work in front yard of the local wine shop and that is when it started to rain.  We left home without an umbrella and so spent the last half of our walk-in a down pour.  We got wet!

We never take for granted how lucky we are to live close to our adult children and while today's rescue came from a visiting child we have in the past just called one of our other two children when help was needed.  

The rain continued and with our shopping done we called our son and waited at McDonald’s for our knight in shining armor to arrive.  I picked up light reading and nope I found no new insight.

Next is was off for a planned trip to take our new daughter-of-love (my new term to describe some just as important as a daughter-in-law) to taste the wonderful food at the Wismer House in Port Elgin.  The Hummus platter was amazing and the fish and chips as always, the best you can find.

I was caught on camera hamming-it-up with Kelsey’s glasses.  The hand sign means “having a good time.”  Now I did have to google it to make sure I was not signing something bad, clearly my facial expression does not match LOL. 

Back home, normal everyday activities were looked after, cleaning, crushing cans, and laundry.   

I ended my day as I am want to do with a good cup of tea in my pink rocking chair writing this post and enjoying my window on the world.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2019 twosnydergirls

1 comment:

our awesome travels said...

I too love to get up early before the sunrise to enjoy a full day , the morning quiet and out for some wonderful fresh air, and let the day evolve. Keep on enjoying the good life.