Monday 25 December 2017

The gift of belonging

A storm raged all Christmas day except for one hour when the clouds parted and the sun came out.

As we looked out on the fallen snow we watched our neighbours shovel their driveway, we stepped outside to say Merry Christmas and enjoy the sunshine.

Later we bundled up and prepared to walk to our daughter's, it was then that we noticed our neighbour she was shoveling our driveway.

We walked outside in the fading sunshine and greeted our new neighbour, she smiled and said she was enjoying the physical activity and the sunshine.

We in turned offered her some of our Christmas treats and walked away.

We received a most fragile and precious of gifts, belonging.

Belonging to not just a family, to a neighbourhood.

Understanding that friendship, companionship and assistance resided just outside our front door.

Too many of us live for years beside people we will never know, who we make no effort to know and we included ourselves in that group right up to today.

There is a thrill in belonging to the place that you live.

In having a community to belong too.

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2017 twosnydergirls

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