Thursday 13 July 2017

Games Night Grandpa's House

Who knew that a consequence for not being truthful would end up in an evening of laughing and building life long memories.

Yesterday evening our youngest granddaughter found herself in a difficult situation and the consequence was the removal of all screens – Yep no iPad, tablets or TV.

What we expected was an evening of whining, pleading and deal making in an attempt to get back on her screens, however instead there was silence for about 30 minutes then cupboard doors started opening and closing and “Grandpa let’s play a game.”  

It only took Ruth 30 minutes realize there is an entire life of fun lay outside of the internet and TV.

She had so much fun last night that this evening she turned off the screens herself and is playing Connect Four with her Grandfather at the kitchen table as I write this post.

Watching them play brings back memories of playing buttons with my Grandmother at the dinner room table or crokinole with my Grandfather on a card-table set up in front of his chair for just that purpose.

The draw of human connection, of playing together spans the generations and continues to have a place in today’s modern age.

Do you still have a games cupboard?

What games continue to draw your family to the kitchen table to play?

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2017 twosnydergirls

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