Sunday 18 December 2016

Restore Us

“There is more to Jesus than the human mind can comprehend” Juanita Laverty
Think back to a moment you experienced God’s love and how when you tried to describe your experience words failed to describe spiritual power of the event.

The human spirit can and does recognize God’s love.  

It takes our breath away and stands out unchanged by time in our memories: they are pure moments of belonging.

However, we want to place these experiences within the context of human knowledge, to understand the experience within the boundaries of human love and in doing so we diminish the experience and limit God within our lives.

God’s love defies human boundaries and challenges all of our precepts around love.

God’s love for his creation is embodied in the life of Jesus Christ.
Love that seeks no prestige.
 Love that expects nothing in return.
 Love that will sacrifice all willingly.
Love that seeks out those who live on the fringes, the outcasts, the lost.
Love given freely to all humanity through out all of time.
 Love that has chosen to be present in our experience of being human.
Love that restores us in each moment of our lives.

Thus it is that Jesus is more than we can comprehend for he is God’s divine gift of love to us.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2016 twosnydergirls

Lectionary reading for this week: Isaiah 7:10-16; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-25.

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