Sunday 4 September 2016

Follow Me

The greatest of this is Love!

This is the path we are to walk the path of unconditional love for each human on earth, and more for all of God’s creation.

Our beacon on this path is the life of Christ, his example of serving humanity, all humanity wherever there was need. 

Meeting the needs of each human first, and letting God’s love shine through his service, opening up space for those he served to ask where his love came from.  

They followed because they wanted to, they were not coerced, nor were they frighten into following. 

They followed because he loved them.

We are to provide service not as a means of getting an unwilling congregation of the needy to preach to.


We are to service because there is a need and when our service reflects the light of Christ, and space is created for other to ask us, then humbly we can offer up our faith.

Today once again I am reminded of the Christian man who was asked “What type of a Christian are you”, he responded “To answer this question you will need to speak to my neighbours!”

Follow Christ into service motivated by unconditional love.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2016 twosnydergirls

Lectionary readings: Deuteronomy 30:15-20, Psalm 1, Philemon 1:1-21, Luke 14: 25-33.

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