Sunday 7 February 2016

We act with great boldness

How many times in your life have you known that something will not work out, because you have just tried it to only be asked to try it again.

Just recently I was in this very situation and well I was not as gracious as Simon I said it will not work and refused to try yet again.

Yet this is exactly what was expected of Simon and the result was not another failure, he had to get help to bring in the catch.

When I hear this biblical story I am reminded of Christian Peace Makers who travel all around the world to do the impossible for their God.

They will never know the catch their obedience has landed we know only that they act with great boldness and stand with the poor, the lonely, the victimized, the people who have no value and who are caught in both global and civil wars.

They like Isaiah have answered the Lord’s call “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And [they] said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

Again like Isaiah they are not hero’s they deliver an uncomfortable message as they stand witness among a valueless population drawing attention to the dark places oppressive governments would rather we do not look at.

I am not suggesting we join Christian Peace Makers, am I offering that we go boldly into situations we know will not work because our Lord sends us.  That we all become agents of Christian peace wherever we live, work and play.

Shine the light of love into the dark places within your family, stand with those who are powerless.  Seek to draw attention to the dark places in your community to witness the lives of the homeless the poor.  And do the same where you work and play.

Even though you know nothing will change, let down your net anyway and act with great boldness in the service of your Lord.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2016 twosnydergirls

Lectionary readings - Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13), Psalm 138, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11

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