Sunday 20 December 2015

Peace: He Will Bring Peace

As we busy ourselves for Christmas celebrations do we see them?

Maybe at first we did, yet more than likely not even then because we have grown used to them always being with us on the margin of our consciousness and society.

Our shopping malls have security guards to ensure they don’t bother us, they don’t distract us from the beautiful displays of lights and merchandise that draws us into the shops to make that perfect purchase to place under the Christmas tree.

We decorate our homes both inside and out without a thought given to them, well possibly you paused just for a moment to wonder if they would steal the outdoor decorations and even then maybe not.

We placed our crèches in places of honour in our homes without a thought to them.

We gather at parties and fail to see them.

Sitting at our Christmas feasts laughing and eating far too much we do not see them.

Yet it is for such as these Christ was born into this world to minister too.

Our busyness, our wealth, our freedom shelters us and allows us to turn our faces away from the path of obedience and faith God has set us on.

Christ was born not with lights, feasting, and gifts under Christmas trees.  No, our Saviour was born among livestock in a barn to humble frightened parents and in his birth came the promise of life eternal for all.  

Christ's profession was that of a servant and he brought comfort to the forgotten of his society and our Lord has commissioned us to continue this ministry.

Who are these people that we do not see?  

They are the homeless, the hungry, the lonely, the mentally ill, the drug addicted, the widowed, the orphaned, the frightened, wherever they are in this world and in your own neighbourhoods.

When we remember our commission and we bring comfort to one of God’s people we are spreading God’s peace here on earth.

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2015 twosnydergirls

Lectionary verses Micah 5:2-5a, Psalm 80:1-7, Hebrews 10:5-10, Luke 1:39-45 (46-55)

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