Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Is your life worth the Best Deal?

Playing on the beach
Paul and I started mall walkingon our vacation when the weather was too nasty to walk on the beach.  The mall not only provides a predictably dry & warm environment to power walk in it also is an excellent venue to people watch.

On this occasion we found ourselves watching a young couple go in and out of numerous electronic and department stores they would return to the same table in the food court and consult flyers and an electronic tablet.  I can only assume that they were on a quest for the perfect (?) and best price (euphemism for cheapest price)

Their discussions were animated and as the morning turned to early afternoon it became heated as well.

Now we were tired from power walking but what they were doing seemed exhausting getting the perfect (something) at the best price with all of the reference points of a large supper mall and the internet well it sure seems daunting to us.

Paul and I found ourselves wondering how much value the couple placed on their personal time.  How mindful were they of the cost of perfection?  
There was the time spent going in and out of stores where they must have been negotiating over price and options; then of consulting the internet ensuring what they were being offered was the best at the best price.  Next there was the emotional cost as this process began to create visible stress.  Finally the last and possibly most stressful moment when a decision to purchase has to be made. 

Time is the only commodity that is not renewable and is within our personal control.  As we age we are more mindful of the time we lose or in which we create stress for ourselves in.  For things that are really not that important - getting the perfect item at the best price is just such an activity in our opinion because the personal cost can be too great.

As grandparents we want to model to our children and grandchildren financial responsibility  and to be good stewards of their time to be smart consumers, to understand that perfection may come at too great a price in the end, if it robs you of productive enjoyable time with loved ones or time spent with yourself in life affirming activities.

In giving away your time in search of the Perfect deal 
you are giving away a portion of your life -
Make sure the deal is worth it!

These are the wonderings and thoughts of Grandma Snyder  

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2014 twosnydergirls


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