Sunday 4 August 2019

From Jacksonville to Lipton

2,046 kms/1271 miles, and 3 days of travelling under clear blue skies later we have arrived at the second destination of our vacation Saskatchewan Canada.

I will begin with an apology as there are many pictures of the past three days.

We said goodbye to Great John and left Jacksonville Ill. following another wonderful breakfast and began what was an uneventful three days of travelling.

The temperatures were in the high 30C/80F during the day, so it was not a hardship to be traveling in the air-conditioned van and at night dropped to comfortable temperatures in the low 20C/70F making for excellent sleeping conditions.

The weather further co-operated with our travel plans when it rained at night while we slept.

We took our noon meal in the Rpod and spent time relaxing and stretching our sedentary muscles each day.

We drove past beautiful prairie vistas and enjoyed the adventures of Amelia Peabody Emerson on audible, we completed three of  the Elizabeth Peters novels.

We stayed at KOA campgrounds ensuring showers, and laundry facilities plus easy access on and off the hwy.
If you ever come to Saskatchewan stay off Highway 35 unless to want to feel like you are in an electric mixer!

We arrived at our second stop to the most amazing welcome sign, chocolate chip cookies and a walk.

Paul enjoy the late afternoon walk and took the opportunity to sample fresh peas.

Carla made a wonderful supper, yes that is one thing we will do while we are here is eat well.

Thank you for coming along.
Grandma Snyder
©2013-2019 twosnydergirls


our awesome travels said...

Looks like you had some good travel days now enjoy your time there.

Grandma Snyder said...

Well do and thank you for taking the time to read and comment on the blog