Tuesday 9 January 2018

Tension pain and Self Care

Just as water slowly seeps into a cinder block basement tension and stress seep into the body and the smell of mildew catches the home owner off guard just as you suddenly realize you are in pain.

Stress and tension are normal, even a healthy part of life and most definitely a part of work life.  There is no way to avoid stress and so it is important to pay attention to how tension is affecting your body, your life and today tension is playing out in the upper body, jaw and has resulted in a headache by 11:30 am -  enter good self care.

Self care is how you ensure a healthy life style.  30 years ago a tenured mentor described how he took a 20-minute nap every day, he pulled a pillow out of his desk, closed his eyes and took care of the mornings stress and tension.

This advice seemed humorous at the time and today profound as a pillow is pulled from my desk and I plan to take care of this mornings stress and tension.

Another colleague spends her lunch hour eating and reading a favourite novel stepping outside of her work environment for a few minutes where her stress and tension melts away.

The first step in self care is acknowledging that we suffer from stress/tension.  Next is to be open to how your body is dealing with it, to be aware of the stress and tension in your body.  The final step to have a plan to care for yourself, your own personal wellness strategy, an emotional first aid kit.

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2018 twosnydergirls

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