Tuesday 23 January 2018

Empathy vs Sympathy 

Empathy requires we engage in a relationship while sympathy asks nothing of us.

Empathy seeks to understand the others experience while sympathy assumes to know their experience. 

With empathy you listen, with sympathy you talk and offer platitude.

Sympathy can take us down a path of knowing what is best for people, it assumes because I might have been through something similar I know what you should do so I offer advice and I expect you to follow it.

Sympathy offers empty words and offers very little understanding it does not create a share experience or new understanding.

Empathy starts with looking for similarities and meet the other at that point.  

It never assumes to know and together walk towards a new understanding.

Empathy is active and requires the ability to set aside our ego, to be present and engaged.  

Empathy honours the journey of the other person, and stay present offering companionship ensuring the other he/she not alone.  

Teaching children to be empathetic starts by being an empathetic parent.

Help children explore how they are feeling, never telling how they feel or to stop feeling.  

Never parenting through fear or by dismissing of your child’s feelings.  

As a parent share how you are feeling in an age appropriate way with your children, naming your emotions for them and how to express these emotions safely.  

With your children notice the world around you, both on the news and in the community where you live, teaching inclusion and membership. 

Teach your children to be curious and open rather then judgmental and opinionated.

Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world
~ Barack Obama 
Grandma Snyder

©2013-2018 twosnydergirls

January 23, 2018

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