Monday 23 October 2017

Perseverance of Children

Perseverance is not a word normally associated with children and yet is childhood not just such a miracle?

Children who are identified as slow readers, who shy away from reading out load in class, enter the public library with a parent and with enthusiasm open up a book and read aloud for the pure joy of it – they have persevered and are learning the love reading.

Thus Mary Baker Eddy words equally describe childhood, where too many children will grow up and endure the limitations, teachers, parents, society and life try to place on them.  And with tenacious persistence they will prove us wrong growing beyond our limitations of them, they become unique individuals despite us.

Here is the true miracle of life.

Be mindful this week of the children around you.  
Observe the limitations being placed on them and how they persist in their struggle to be all they can be.
Grandma Snyder

©2013-2017 twosnydergirls 

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