Monday 10 July 2017


We live our lives within the fabric of delicate connections.

We become self aware through the vibration of these connections.

We are known to others by the labels each connection uncovers and reveals to the world.


We live on from one generation to the next as the stories of our connections are retold.

Be mindful of how you are connected to others.

Of how these connections resonate within your spirit.

The labels your connections reflect out into the world, your neighbourhood, your home.

Of the stories you tell of the people who came before you, the connections that call their memories to mind.

Become aware of the ordinary beauty of these connections.

How a smell, a song, a flower, a book, a season … will instantly connect you to a memory, to another human being.

Connections are the gossamer relationships that hold our lives and our world together.

Grandma Snyder

©2013 -2017 twosnydergirls

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