Sunday 7 May 2017

With Gladness and Simplicity

With gladness and simplicity faith keeps us from wandering away from our Shepherd our God.

As a child has faith in their parents for no other reason  then they are their parent,  this is all that our Lord desires of us.  

The strength of a child like faith that requires no scientific foundation, that does not have to be within human knowledge, faith that brings joy and causes the spirit to soar just with the knowledge of it.

Faith that requires only that we believe.

Faith that  keeps us safe, allowing the Shepherd to keep us from harm.

Faith the allows us through the gates of heaven.  

By faith we are carried in the arms of our Saviour into heaven.

The one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.  The gatekeeper opens the gate for him. John 10:2-3

Faith is not a set of rules

Faith is knowing without seeing who we Believe with gladness and simplicity.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2017 twosnydergirls

Lectionary readings Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2:19-25; John 10:1-10.

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