Monday 5 October 2015

Stop Expecting

I set out to write a totally different mindfulness post for today and instead of writing the post over the weekend which was the plan, I spent time with family, walking St. Lawrence Market, photographing Allan Gardens, watching movies with my husband and just relaxing.

Now it is 8:38 pm on the evening that the blog is due (self imposed due date) to be posted and I have no energy to write and I am giving up.

Wait a minute I enjoy doing this blog what is wrong with me?

I have set expectations for myself and in not reaching them I have disappointed myself and so I am giving up!

Not going to happen!

The weekend was wonderful and from it will flow the source of many blog posts to come and I spent quality time with my life partner.

Be mindful throughout the coming week of how often your expectations result in negative self-talk ~ in disappointment in yourself and
Stop expecting!

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2015 twosnydergirls

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