Tuesday 29 September 2015

Ten Things To Tell Your (Grand)children in September

Family stories

September in Canada is the month when children go back to school and presents opportunity to talk about family stories and your memories of school.

1) Talk about your earliest school memory.

2) Describe the first school that you attended; the name of the school, where it was/is, how big the school was, and if you remember the name of your first teacher. 
For a fun family activity go on line to is if there are pictures of the school or take a driving tour showing your (grand)children the school itself or where it was.

Count how many times you changed schools.

3) Discuss with your (grand)children reasons for each move as you remember them.

4) Reflect back on what it felt like to have, to leave friends, social clubs, etc.

5) Children at this time are frequently asked what they want to be when they grow up take this opportunity to let them know what you wanted to be at their age.

Emily wants to be an environmental lawyer and "take to court" business who are adding to global warming while Ruth want to be a marine biologist and swim with dolphins, at their ages I wanted to run a restaurant because I thought it would be fun and Grandpa wanted to be a farmer which he became.

6) Explore with your (grand)children their favourite subjects at school and share with them what subject you liked best.

7) What was your least favourite and/or the subject you struggled with at school talk to your (grand)children about the reason  for your struggle and how you sought help.

Click here to read Great Grandpa David’s story of taking a dog cart to school.

8) Describe your favourite teacher, the reason you liked him/her, how well you did in their class and did you feel they like you.

9) Show them any report cards, certificates, pictures that you have of your public school experience.

10) Share any historical family stories about school.

Great Grandma Audrey attended a one room school house and tells a story of being lifted into the rafters by a much older boys, when the teacher was out.  Only to have the boys have to help her down when the teacher returned and for each of them to be punished for his actions (back then it was the strap)

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2015 twosnydergirls

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