Friday 30 May 2014


The Best Kept Secret 

Walking to the Library on the computer
What do you do when the you need a quiet cup of coffee, a comfortable chair, a few moments to read a newspaper and your are babysitting your grandchildren who are busy, noisy, and demanding ~ “What can we do Grandpa I’m bored”.

In a previous post I talked about going to McDonalds however that is loud and if you are lucky you walk away with children who have exhausted themselves physically – you do get a break don’t get me wrong.  What we wanted today was to relax ourselves and our grandchildren.

What about the Library?

Only if I get to play on the computer!

Ok deal!

Off we go to our local library.

Child in library

Now from experience we can tell you that our granddaughter starts on the computer and within 10 minutes the book lined shelves have enticed them away and we always find them reading quietly by themselves.

Child reading a book at the library
We have never once been told “I am bored” or “I want to go home” when we go to the library in fact it is always Grandpa and Grandma who say it is time to leave and we always leave with books to take home.

Child checking a book out of library

Now here is the great part.  Once home the girls curl up in a comfortable spot and continue their adventure into books.

Our local library allows you to bring food and drink in so we arrive with our coffee and we get to spend an easy 45 minutes of quiet time.

A win/win situation and we hope we are:
  • Ensuring the longevity of publicly funded libraries through our support 
  • Teaching our granddaughters that books also come with hard covers, paper pages and can be read long after the batteries on the electronic reader have worn out.

Child reading a book

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2015 twosnydergirls

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