Wednesday 2 October 2013

Chemo Caps


“To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.”
Dr. Seuss ~ The Lorax

Last night was the monthly meeting of our local Sewing Club and at the beginning of each year we pick a charity that we can sew for and this year it is the Cancer Society. 

On the registration table there were six different patterns for Chemo Caps, five sewing patterns and one crochet pattern.  I was collecting for the 50/50 draw, $2.00 a ticket and so I was in a position to observe the women look at and then choose which pattern they would make.
Click Here for pattern

Many of the women had a story to tell about a friend, family member or their experience with cancer.  I felt profoundly grateful and guilty at the same time, survivor guilt. 

Click here for pattern

Today during moments of quiet the comments from last night and the faces of the women I know who live with cancer today and those whose lives were cut short came back to me.

Click here for pattern
I have to do something and so I am setting the personal goal of one Chemo Cap a month between now and the May 2014 Sewing Club meeting, eight caps at a minimum and I do this for, Jenny, Kristi, Aunt Audrey, Aunt Adela, Audrey, Karen, Veronica, Margaret, Elsie, Mary, Eunice, Terry … 

Will you join me in this task.  If you do not like any of these cap Google Free Online Chemo Cap and pick from the many patterns available.  I would welcome hearing if you are taking on this challenge and goal you have set for yourself.  You can take them to your local Cancer Society.  

To the world each of these women are but a 

single person, 

and to one person each of these women 

means the world

 Volunteerism is an activity that one person engages in to improve the quality of life of another person in the absence of personal gain.   

As grandparents one of the life lessons ~ assets we can help our grandchild learn is to volunteer.  Talk about the importance of giving back to your community, include them in some of your volunteer activities: make it fun.  Then when they experiment with volunteering themselves support and encourage them.
 Service to Others – child has opportunities to serve in the community with adult support and approval.  This is an external asset that builds the skill of empowerment. Search Institute.

Grandma Snyder

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