Thursday, 7 June 2018

5 Minutes Of My Day - Election day and the young where there

June 7, 2018

Lines of people waiting to exercise their right to determine who and what political party will govern Ontario Canada.  There were three things that struck me as we waited.

First in previous elections we have lined up with people like ourselves grey haired 50+, today however the lines were full of young people, 18 years and up.  The millennial's were voting and those with young children had them with them.

Second was everyone was engaged in the processed we were all present in that moment exercising rights, men and women fought and continue to die for.

Third goes with the second we did not have to line up for days to vote, nor did we have to travel days to find a voting station, no one was shooting at us and there was no physical risk in our voting.

Today we voted and the young voted with us.

June 7, 2017
2017 Sewing with our granddaughter

June 7, 2016
2016 Relaxing with yarn.

June 7, 2015
2015 With one eye closed worried about as Grandpa shingles

June 7, 2014
2014 Picking out a pound of asparagus for supper  

Grandma Snyder
©twosnydergirls 2018

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