Friday, 18 January 2019

Myrtle Beach January 18, 2019 - Joy in Good Food.

Living small has a way of bringing into focus what brings you joy.  Walking through stores, market and thrift stores it is easy to pass by great deals on things that we do not need because we have no room.

Living small also does not mean you have more time on your hands.  Keeping everything orderly is key to living small with some with as little stress as possible.  

You think differently about space and how you occupy it, what you put in it and the many purposes a single piece of restate can be used for. 

I love our small 140 square foot home.

Today we did not walk the beach we spent our time over a leisurely breakfast after sleeping in to 8:30 am.

The highlight came in the realization that joy is found in the simple act of making a healthy and delicious meal and that eating it with someone you love.  

In this meal we knew ourselves rich beyond measure and within our relationship we have all we need. 

Things taste better in small 


~ Queen Victoria

Grandma Snyder
©2014-2019 twosnydergirls

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