Thursday, 17 January 2019

Myrtle Beach January 17, 2019 - A warm winter day

Another beautiful day full of sunshine and warm weather. I made Spanish omelets for breakfast they were not pretty and tasted amazing. 

Warm winter day

We spent the morning doing activities around the trailer Paul outside and I worked on my first quilt block for the 50 blocks 50 weeks on face book. 

Warm winter day

In the early afternoon we went for a walk on the beach and the images from today are the things that caught my attention on this walk.  

Warm winter day

Once back at the trailer we did some cleaning and at 3:30 we met friends for ½ price banana splits.
Warm winter day
Signs of the spring to come.

We are home now and will soon make our way to the hot tub before settling in for the nights.

Warm winter day
Signs of spring the spruce have started to bloom since we have arrived.

Holly in flower
The holly shrubs have started blooming since our arrival.

Grandma Snyder
©2014-2019 twosnydergirls

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