Sunday, 27 January 2019

Myrtle Beach January 27, 2019 Relaxing

We gather to celebrate, deal with trauma and turmoil and to worship with people of similar world views.  It has taken us four years to find a place of worship where we feel more like than different and so we found ourselves at the 11:00 service at the Shepherd of the Sea Lutheran Church.  

Pastor Brad Bellah has an astounding voice and is a truly an engaging orator.  Today he challenged us to experience God’s invitation to rest as God’s concern for his children’s wellness, that we require periods of rest and mindfulness to be emotionally healthy, spiritually alive.   Pastor Bellah then offered this statement as one reason why some people cannot be still “People won’t think I am worth anything if I rest". 

Wow this struck at my core and I heard the truth in those words.  I am a doer because I have learned that my value is measured by others through what I do and slowly and through deliberate practice I am coming to understand the value of being still for my emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 

Having not slept the best last night we decided to have lunch out and then spent a quiet afternoon at a book store reading and people watching a favourite pastime of ours.

We have continued to relax and read and thus we did not go to beach today.

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2019 twosnydergirls

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