Thursday, 24 January 2019

Myrtle Beach January 24, 2019 Warmer weather returned


We woke to 20-30 mph winds, driving rain and warmer temperatures with the day promising to reach 70F/21C.

Rain the window this morning

We took our time over breakfast and around 11:00 we headed off to Market Common and the Cinema.  We entered the theatre in rain coats and exited into bright sunshine.  What move did we see Upside a thoroughly enjoyable movie and one we would recommend.

1/2 price banana split

Upon leaving the theatre we had just enough time to make it to our favourite ice cream parlor for ½ price banana splits.  These we enjoyed with two couples we have gotten to know over the past few years and who have become friends.

The beach after the storm

I have not been feeling 100% and at this point in the day my legs were aching for no good reason.  I did not let this keep me from going to our first real beach walk in three days and the sun felt amazing.

going to the beach for a walk

It is always interesting to experience the beach anew each day because it never stays the same yet it is always there and dependable.

The waves on tonight's walk

Grandma Snyder
©2013-2019 twosnydergirls

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