Sunday, 26 August 2018

5 Minutes Of My Day - The Monarch Butterflies have arrived

August 26, 2018

The monarch butterflies have finally arrived and we have stopped our activities to sit and admire their beauty.

"If you want to live more you must master the art of appreciating the little, everyday blessings of life.  This is not altogether a golden world, but there are countless gleams of gold to be discovered in it if we give our minds to them." ~ Henry Alford Porter.

August 26, 2017
2016 Sorting through old photographs

August 25, 2016
2016 Sitting quietly at lunch enjoying this water feature

August 26, 2015
2015 The beauty found when not taking the highways

August 26, 2014
2914 Noticing the first sign of fall colour
Grandma Snyder
©twosnydergirls 2018

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