Saturday, 25 August 2018

5 Minutes Of My Day - A Blaze of Colour

August 24, 2018

Our garden has become a blaze of late summer colour.
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting - a wayside sacrament.  Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing. "
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

August 23, 2017
2017 We do love A&W and enjoy supper out

August 24, 2016
2016 Driving under gathering storm clouds

August 24, 2015
2015 Amazed by the fungi that is growing in the lawn this year.

August 24, 2014
2014 Having tea with our granddaughters and
their dolls at Black Creek Pioneer Village
Grandma Snyder
©twosnydergirls 2018

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