Monday, 4 June 2018

5 Minutes Of My Day - Collecting My Own Words

June 4, 2018

It was near the end of our time together at the local library that our granddaughter started to read The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds and I found myself listening intently.

Over the past months’ people in our life have have pasted away their words gone forever and others have started to lose their words, their memories, who they are.  Thus the importance of having words has been brought home anew.

I have an off again on again relationship with words.  Sometimes like the young boy in the word collector I have words readily available while at other times I cannot find them. 

Names are the worst if I am just saying hello your name is easy to retrieve however if I have to introduce you well I will not be able to find it at all.

My struggle is nothing like that of those who are actually losing their words their memories.  I journal both with words and photographs to keep my memories as long as I can.

I collect my own words as a way to getting to know myself

June 14, 2017
2017 Planting our Peace garden at church

June 4, 2016
2016 Sitting near her nest and she was very put out.

June 4, 2015
2015 Out waling and finding this amazing shrub

June 4, 2014
2014 Taking a few moments for myself

Grandma Snyder
©twosnydergirls 2018

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