Sunday, 14 December 2014

A Christmas Tradition

Keeping the Tradition Going

The girls Christmas Centre Piece

Great Great Aunt Elaine transitioned from this world to the next late in November 2014.  G.G. Aunt Elaine always brought the table decorations for our extended family Christmas Dinner and for the past 4 years Ruth and Emily have helped her decorate the tables ~ she called them her Christmas helpers.

This is the only event of the year that Elaine and my granddaughters visit with each other and as I explained to them about her passing, Emily asked who would decorate the tables this Christmas “we always helped her (G.G. Aunt Elaine) we need to do it for her!” And so it was that the girls and I sat down and planned the decorations.

Ruth, “She always brought the decoration is the same box do we have a box to keep everything in?” our table cloths, napkins, and decorations now have their own box.

Family traditions do not always have to be about the big things sometimes the important traditions have more to do with being “her Christmas helpers” and the willingness of an extended family to make room for Great Great Nieces to find their place in the family.

Grandma Snyder

©2013-2014 twosnydergirls

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